Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS

Optimal Learning with Tailor-Made Training

Markets for Green Energy are complex and hybrid. Nonetheless, these markets are growing at a fast rate to accommodate the ever-increasing demand for sustainable energy. In this case, these companies and organizations are reinforcing their workforce with adequate professional and technical knowledge about the industry. 
This also urges other sectors like the administrative and financial institutions to obtain the necessary skill set and data for them to retain their overview of the community and the market.
Adapted …

News Training

Solar-Powered Refrigerators Keep Vaccines Cool in Africa

There’s no denying that there is an energy crisis in Africa. The challenge may not be on building the systems but on the state of politics in African nations. Most homes are not connected to the electricity grid and this is no exception for healthcare facilities. This is becoming a problem especially in the storage and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
Fortunately, this may come to an end with the application of solar power refrigeration. Read on to know how the fishing communities in Sub-Saharan African are benefiting from Koolbooks freezers and how these solar components can be used to store vaccines.
Introducing “…